/* * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable * terms available at * http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/. * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not * install or use this SugarCRM file. * * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved. */ What is CLI Upgrader? --------------------- The CLI Upgrader is a stand-alone PHP script that can be run from the command prompt for upgrading a Sugar instance. Why is CLI Upgrader useful for Upgrades? ------------------------------------------------------ Sugar upgrades can potentially require resources that are sometimes beyond the Web execution environment settings. Using the CLI Upgrader enables you to avoid some of the limitations that the Web application environment may have that prevent the Web upgrader from completing the upgrade. The upload size limit (by PHP and sometimes even by Web server), the CGI (or equivalent) timeout limit, and the MySQL (or equivalent) session timeout limit are some of the challenges people run into when upgrading. The CLI Upgrader either avoids the limitations or better controls the settings in its stand-alone execution environment. How do you run CLI Upgrader? --------------------------------- To execute the CLI Upgrader script, you need to supply the parameters, as described in the Arguments section below. Usage: php CliUpgrader.php -z upgradeZipFile -l logFile -s pathToSugarInstance -u admin-user Example: [path-to-PHP/]php CliUpgrader.php -z [path-to-upgrade-package/]SugarEnt-Upgrade-6.5.x-to-7.5.0.zip -l [path-to-log-file/]silentupgrade.log -s path-to-sugar-instance/ -u admin Arguments: -z/--zip upgradeZipFile : Upgrade package file. -l/--log logFile : Upgrade log file (by default relative to instance dir) -s/--source pathToSugarInstance : Sugar instance being upgraded. -u/--user admin-user : admin user performing the upgrade Optional arguments: -m/--mask scriptMask : Script mask - which types of scripts to run. Supported types: core, db, custom, all, none. Default is all. -b/--backup 0/1 : Create backup of deleted files? 0 means no backup, default is 1. -S/--stage stage : Run specific stage of the upgrader. 'continue' means start where it stopped last time. -A/--autoconfirm : Automatic confirm health check results (use with caution !) Upgrading the Sugar Database Schema: ------------------------------------- The CLI Upgrader will automatically replace the current database schema with the new version schema. Compatibility matrix for the CLI Upgrader: ---------------------------------------------- You can view the compatibility matrix online at: http://support.sugarcrm.com/05_Resources/03_Supported_Platforms Note: The CliUpgrader.php script creates new files for the OS user who is running it. For example, for the root user it will create files as user/group root. Because Apache may not be able to read these files, you must ensure that the Web server user has the permissions to read and write the files.